Ecocide (major damage to the environment and human and non-human species as well) should be recognised as an international crime.

In several countries, political leaders seem to be inclined to ignore the threats posed by climate and ecological breakdown. Not only they fail to prevent ecocide, but occasionally they even promote it. By dismissing the science, pursuing short-sighted political agendas, and driving environmental devastation, these leaders may look like psychopaths who disregard the damage caused by their own actions.

A law of ecocide (as the 5th Crime against Peace) was first proposed in 2010 by Polly Higgings and colleagues. Sadly, Polly died in 2019, aged 50, before her proposal was accepted.

Higgins P, Short D, South N. 2013. Protecting the planet: a proposal for a law of ecocide. Crime, Law and Social Change 59:251-266.