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Lavinia Eddy
Last update: June 2019

Lavinia Eddy holds a degree in Veterinary Medicine at the University of Padua, Italy. During her studies she participated in an exchange programme with Texas A&M University, the Veterinary International Leadership Program. In 2010 she completed a summer internship at the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), an environmental advocacy group in Washington DC, USA. She attended a course centered around the management and conservation of cetaceans and sea turtles in the Adriatic Sea, as well as another research-oriented course in marine mammal medicine. She participated in boat surveys to assess cetacean occurrence between Italy and Spain. She spent three months volunteering as a veterinarian at the seal rehabilitation centre in Pieterburen, The Netherlands. In the past few years she practiced veterinary medicine in Padua and Venice, Italy. Lavinia has been collaborating with Dolphin Biology and Conservation since 2014, conducting research in the Gulf of Corinth and in the Southern Evoikos Gulf, Greece.

e-mail   lavinia.eddy#gmail.com .(replace # with @)